TODAY I AM ...recognizing the LORD, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, is the most high over all the earth
TODAY I AM ...surrounded by God: he is before me, behind me and all around me; he knows everything about me including my thoughts
TODAY I AM ...known by God from my beginning: he covered me in my mother's womb
TODAY I AM ...praising God; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are his works
TODAY I AM ...reflecting on how God:
* knew me when I was made in secret; my substance was not hid from YOU.
* saw my un perfect substance, and made note of all my body parts before any existed
*O GOD! search me, and know my heart
* O GOD! try me, and know my thoughts
* O GOD see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the right direction.
TODAY I AM ...looking to God, for my help comes from him
TODAY I AM ...kept by the LORD
TODAY I AM ...preserved by the LORD from all evil: he shall preserve me for evermore
TODAY I AM ...assured that my acknowledged transgressions are blotted out according to God’s loving kindness and the multitude of his tender mercies
TODAY I AM ...washed throughly from mine iniquity, and cleansed from my sin
TODAY I AM ...made to hear joy and gladness
TODAY I AM ...getting a clean heart created in me; and a right spirit renewed within me
TODAY I AM ...not casted away from God’s presence
TODAY I AM ...experiencing the joy of God’s salvation
TODAY I AM ...upheld with God’s free spirit
TODAY I AM ...teaching transgressors God’s ways
TODAY I AM ...delivered from blood guiltiness
TODAY I AM ...singing aloud of God’s righteousness and praise
TODAY I AM ...offering God the sacrifices of a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart
TODAY I AM ...blessed with a Shepherd who takes care of my needs
TODAY I AM ...made to lie down in green pastures
TODAY I AM ...led beside still waters
TODAY I AM ...restored
TODAY I AM ...led in the paths of righteousness
TODAY I AM ...not afraid
TODAY I AM ...comforted by God’s presence, rod and staff
TODAY I AM ...with God who prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies
TODAY I AM ...having God anoint my head with an abundance of oil
TODAY I AM ...blessed with goodness and mercy: they shall follow me all the days of my life
TODAY I AM ...assured that I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
TODAY I AM ...not fearing because the LORD is my light
TODAY I AM ...not fearing because the LORD is my salvation
TODAY I AM ...not fearing because the LORD is the strength of my life
TODAY I AM ...with foes and enemies that stumble and fall
TODAY I AM ...dwelling in the house of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...beholding the beauty of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...inquiring in his temple
TO DAY I AM ...confident that God will hide me in his pavilion in times of trouble
TODAY I AM ...hidden by God in the secret of his tabernacle
TODAY I AM ...set up upon a rock by God
TODAY I AM ...with my head lifted above my foes round about me
TODAY I AM ...offering sacrifices of joy in God’s tabernacle
TODAY I AM ...singing praising unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...seeking the LORD’s face
TODAY I AM ...taken up by the LORD when all others forsake me
TODAY I AM ...taught by God and led in a plain path
TODAY I AM ...not being delivered over to the will of my enemies
TODAY I AM ...waiting on the LORD
TODAY I AM ...of good courage with a strengthen heart
TODAY I AM ...not fretting because of evildoers
TODAY I AM ...not envious against the workers of iniquity
TODAY I AM ...trusting in the LORD, and doing good
TODAY I AM ...dwelling in the land, and being fed
TODAY I AM ...delighting myself in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...given the desires of my heart
TODAY I AM ...committing my way unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ... having my righteousness & judgment brought forth as light
TODAY I AM ...resting in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...waiting patiently for God
TODAY I AM ...not fretting because of others who prosper making wicked devices
TODAY I AM ...ceasing from anger
TODAY I AM ...forsaking wrath
TODAY I AM ...not fretting myself in any wise to do evil
TODAY I AM ...waiting upon the LORD, inheriting the earth
TODAY I AM ...meek, inheriting the earth
TODAY I AM ...delighting in the abundance of peace
TODAY I AM ...righteous and the LORD upholdeth me
TODAY I AM ...upright and the LORD knoweth my days
TODAY I AM ...assured of an inheritance that shall be for ever
TODAY I AM ... not ashamed in the evil time
TODAY I AM ...satisfied in the days of famine
TODAY I AM ...blessed of God and shall inherit the earth
TODAY I AM ...taking steps that are ordered by the LORD
TODAY I AM ...delighting in God’s way
TODAY I AM ...not utterly cast down when I fall: for the LORD upholdeth me with his hand
TODAY I AM ...not forsaken, nor my seed begging bread
TODAY I AM ...ever merciful, and lendeth; and my seed is blessed
TODAY I AM ...departed from evil, and doing good; so as to dwell for evermore
TODAY I AM ...not forsaken; I am preserved for ever
TODAY I AM ...inheriting the land, and dwelling therein for ever
TODAY I AM ...speaking wisdom, and my tongue talketh of judgment
TODAY I AM ...with the law of my God in my heart; none of my steps shall slide
TODAY I AM ...not left of God, nor condemned by him when I am judged
TODAY I AM...waiting on the LORD, and keeping his way, and exalted to inherit the land
TODAY I AM ...upright: and my end is peace
TODAY I AM righteous and my salvation is of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...assured that God is my strength in the time of trouble
TODAY I AM...helped and delivered by the LORD
TODAY I AM ...trusting in the LORD and am delivered from the wicked, and saved
TODAY I AM ...spiritually healthy, fruitful and prosperous
TODAY I AM ...meditating on and delighting in God’s word
TODAY I AM ...a child of the King of the universe; I have a royal inheritance
TODAY I AM ...worshipping God with reverence
TODAY I AM ...taking refuge in God.
TODAY I AM ...having God as a shield around me
TODAY I AM ...receiving answers from God
TODAY I AM ...sustained by God
TODAY I AM ...finding relief from God in times of distress
TODAY I AM ...receiving God’s grace
TODAY I AM ...set apart for God’s glory
TODAY I AM ...heard by God
TODAY I AM ...meditating in my heart
TODAY I AM ...offering the sacrifices of righteousness and trust in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...with gladness in my heart
TODAY I AM ...dwelling in God’s safety
TODAY I AM ...praying to the LORD and watching eagerly for his answers
TODAY I AM ...not sinning
TODAY I AM ...loved by the LORD
TODAY I AM ...preserved by God because of speaking the truth
TODAY I AM ...having a straight path before me
TODAY I AM ...glad in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...singing for joy
TODAY I AM ...surrounded with God’s favor as a shield
TODAY I AM ...asking God to deliver me, and to hastily help me
TODAY I AM ...glad and rejoicing in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...saying continually "Let God be magnified"
TODAY I AM ...trusting in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...heard by God
TODAY I AM ...assured that God is my strong habitation; unto him I may resort continually
TODAY I AM with God as my rock, my fortress, and my strong refuge
TODAY I AM ...recognizing that God has been my hope and trust since my youth
TODAY I AM ...praising God continually
TODAY I AM ...not cast off in my old age
TODAY I AM ...helped hastily by God
TODAY I AM ...hoping continually
TODAY I AM ...going forth in the strength of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...mentioning and talking all day long about God's righteousness
TODAY I AM ...comforted on every side, and my greatness is increased
TODAY I AM ...rejoicing and praising God with musical instruments
TODAY I AM ...flourishing
TODAY I AM ...experiencing an abundance of peace
TODAY I AM ...blessing the LORD
TODAY I AM ...not envious of others' prosperity
TODAY I AM ...growing in understanding God's ways
TODAY I AM ...continually with God; he holds me by my right hand
TODAY I AM ...being guided by God's counsel
TODAY I AM ...desiring and drawing near to God
TODAY I AM ...putting my trust in the LORD God
TODAY I AM ...declaring all of God's works
TODAY I AM ...remembered by God
TODAY I AM God thanks
TODAY I AM ...recognizing that God is the judge of promotions
TODAY I AM ...declaring and singing praises to God
TODAY I AM ...paying God my vows
TODAY I AM ...bringing God presents and gifts
TODAY I AM ...heard by God as I cry unto him
TODAY I AM ...seeking the LORD in my day of trouble
TODAY I AM ...remembering the works of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...meditating on and talking about God's doings
TODAY I AM ...recognizing God's greatness
TODAY I AM ...telling God how great he is and how wonderful are his works
TODAY I AM ...listening to God and learning his ways
TODAY I AM ...showing and teaching the next generation: the praises of the LORD the strength of the LORD the wonderful works of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...encouraging the next generation to: hope in God not forget the works of God keep God's commandments
TODAY I AM ...not forgetting God's works and his wonders
TODAY I AM ...believing in God
TODAY I AM ...trusting in God's salvation
TODAY I AM ...forgiven by God who is full of compassion
TODAY I AM ...not tempting or limiting God
TODAY I AM ...guided and led safely by God
TODAY I AM ...keeping God's testimonies
TODAY I AM ...not provoking God, or moving him to jealousy
TODAY I AM ...assured my former sins are forgotten
TODAY I AM ...experiencing God's tender mercies
TODAY I AM ...delivered
TODAY I AM ...purged of my sins
TODAY I AM God thanks
TODAY I AM ...showing God's praise to all generations
TODAY I AM ...turned by God so that I don't stray from him
TODAY I AM ...calling upon God's name
TODAY I AM ...joyful and singing loudly unto God
TODAY I AM ...delivered
TODAY I AM ...worshipping only the LORD my God
TODAY I AM ...listening to God
TODAY I AM ...defending the poor, the fatherless and the needy
TODAY I AM ...doing justice to the afflicted and needy
TODAY I AM my heart, soul and body crying out for God
TODAY I AM ...blessed because my strength is in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...heard by God
TO DAY I AM ...desiring to be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than to live in wickedness
TO DAY I AM ...shielded by the LORD God
TO DAY I AM ...receiving grace and glory from the LORD
TO DAY I AM ...walking uprightly and having no good thing withheld from me
TODAY I AM ...blessed because I am trusting in the LORD
TODAY I AM ...forgiven: God has covered all my sins
TODAY I AM ...turned from folly by God
TODAY I AM ...revived and experiencing God's mercy
TODAY I AM ....listening to the LORD
TODAY I AM ...fearing the LORD and giving him reverence
TODAY I AM ...receiving goodness from the LORD
TODAY I AM ...set by righteousness in the way of the steps of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...forgiven: God has covered all my sins
Today i am ...turned from folly by God
Today i am ...revived and experiencing God's mercy
Today i am ...listening to the LORD
Today i am ...fearing the LORD and giving him reverence
Today i am ...receiving goodness from the LORD
Today i am ...set by righteousness in the way of the steps of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...calling unto the LORD and making known my supplications
TODAY I AM ...trusting in God
TODAY I AM ...crying unto the LORD and lifting up my soul
TODAY I AM ...heard by the LORD and assured that he will answer
TODAY I AM ...experiencing God's mercy, goodness and forgiveness
TODAY I AM ...exalting the LORD
TODAY I AM ...worshipping and glorfying God
TODAY I AM ...taught by the LORD and walking in his truth
TODAY I AM ...praising the LORD with all my heart
TODAY I AM ...delivered and experiencing God's great mercy
TODAY I AM ...recognizing God for his compassion, grace, patience, mercy and truth
TODAY I AM ...helped and comforted by the LORD
TODAY I AM ...reflecting on the glorious things that are spoken of the city of God
God Loves ME! PRAYER:-
The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”.
The Bible says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever.
The Bible says "The wages of sin is death."
God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. "God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."
Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father.
He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except by Me." "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God.
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.
I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always."
Did you pray this prayer?
TODAY I AM ...crying unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...praying prayers that get God's attention
TODAY I AM ...heard by God
TODAY I AM ...singing of the mercies of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...making known God's faithfulness to all generations
TODAY I AM ...greatly fearing and giving reverence to God
TODAY I AM...walking in the light of God's countenance
TODAY I AM...rejoicing in the LORD all the day
TODAY I AM ...exalted in God's righteousness
TODAY I AM ...experiencing God's glory as my strength
TODAY I AM ...recognizing the LORD is my defence
TODAY I AM ...blessing the LORD
TODAY I AM ...recognizing that God has been the dwelling place for me and my family
TODAY I AM ...recognizing that in the light of God's countenance, I have no secret sins
TODAY I AM ...numbering my days, and applying my heart unto wisdom
TODAY I AM ...glad and rejoicing in God's mercy
TODAY I AM ...seeing God's work and glory
TODAY I AM ...experiencing the LORD's beauty upon me
TODAY I AM ...having the work of my hands established upon me
TODAY I AM ...dwelling in the secret place of God
TODAY I AM ...abiding under the shadow of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...trusting in the LORD
TODAY I AM...saying of the LORD: he is my refuge and my fortress; his truth is my shield and buckler
TODAY I AM ...delivered and honoured
TODAY I AM ...not afraid because I have made the LORD my habitation
TODAY I AM ...kept in all my ways, and have angels watching over me
TODAY I AM ...answered when I call upon God: he is with me in in trouble
TODAY I AM thanks unto the LORD, and singing praises unto his name
TODAY I AM ...showing God's lovingkindness and faithfulness
TODAY I AM ...glad and triumphing in the works of God's hands
TODAY I AM ...anointed with fresh oil
TODAY I AM ...florishing like a palm tree
TODAY I AM ...growing like a cedar tree in Lebanon Fruitful

TODAY I AM ...recognizing how mighty and how holy is the LORD: he is from everlasting to everlasting
TODAY I AM ...known by God: he knows my thoughts
TODAY I AM ...blessed because I am chastened by God: he is teaching me
TODAY I AM ...not casted off, nor forsaken
Today i am ...held up and helped by the LORD
Today ...meditating on the LORD: he is my defense; my refuge is in him
TODAY I AM ...singing joyfully unto the LORD
Today i am ...coming before the LORD with thanksgiving
TODAY I AM ...worshipping and bowing down, and kneeling before the LORD
TODAY I AM ...hearing God and not hardening my heart
TODAY I AM ...knowing God's ways: he is my God, and I am his
TODAY I AM ...singing unto the LORD a new song
TODAY I AM ...blessing the LORD's name showing his salvation from day to day declaring God's glory and wonders among all people
TODAY I AM ...praising the LORD: he is great, and greatly to be praised
TODAY I AM unto the LORD the glory due him
TODAY I AM ...bringing an offering unto the LORD
TO DAY I AM ...worshipping the LORD in the beauty of holiness: giving him reverence
TODAY I AM ...loving the LORD, and hating evil
TODAY I AM ...delivered
TODAY I AM ...rejoicing in the LORD
TODAY I AM thanks as I remember the LORD's holiness
TODAY I AM ...singing unto the LORD a new song
TODAY I AM ...making a joyful and loud noise with musical instruments unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...rejoicing and praising the LORD
TODAY I AM ...praising the LORD
TODAY I AM ...exalting the LORD my God, and worshipping at his footstool; for he is holy
TODAY I AM ...answered when I call upon God
TODAY I AM ...keeping God's testimonies
TODAY I AM ...forgiven
TODAY I AM ...making a joyful noise unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...serving the LORD with gladness
TODAY I AM ...coming before God with singing
TODAY I AM ...knowing that the LORD is God: he made me; I am his
TODAY I AM ...thanking, praising and blessing the LORD
TODAY I AM ...singing of mercy and judgment unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...behaving wisely
TODAY I AM ...rejecting every wicked thing, and anyone behaving wickedly
TODAY I AM ...crying unto the LORD; he hears my prayers
TO DAY I AM ...asking God to answer me speedily
TODAY I AM ...crowned with lovingkindness and tender mercies
TODAY I AM ...having my mouth satisfied with good things
TODAY I AM ...experiencing the LORD's mercy and graciousness; I am not rewarded according to my sins
TODAY I AM ...having my acknowledged sins removed far away from me
TODAY I AM ...fearing the LORD; he pitieth me, and his mercy is from everlasting to everlasting
TODAY I AM ...blessing the LORD
TODAY I AM ...blessing the LORD; he is very great; he is clothed with honor and majesty
TODAY I AM ...recognizing God for his great works; the earth is full of his riches
TODAY I AM ...singing praises unto the LORD.
TODAY I AM ...meditating on the LORD.
TODAY I AM ...glad in the LORD.
TODAY I AM thanks to God
Today i am ...calling upon the name of the LORD
TODAY I AM ...testifying and telling others about the LORD's wonderous works
TODAY I AM ...singing psalms unto the LORD
TODAY I AM ...glorying in God's holy name
TODAY I AM ...seeking the LORD and his strength
TODAY I AM ...remembering God's wonderous works