Psalm 83 AFFIRMATIONS – TODAY I AM ...recognizing the LORD, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, is the most high over all the earth Psalm 139 AFFIRMATIONS – TODAY I AM ...surrounded by God: he is before me, behind me and all around me; he knows everything about me including my thoughts TODAY I AM ...known by God from my beginning: he covered me in my mother's womb TODAY I AM ...praising God; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are his works TODAY I AM ...reflecting on how God: * knew me when I was made in secret; my substance was not hid from YOU. * saw my un perfect substance, and made note of all my body parts before any existed *O GOD! search me, and know my heart * O GOD! try me, and know my thoughts * O GOD see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the right direction. Psalm 121 AFFIRMATIONS – TODAY I AM ...looking to God, for my help comes from him TODAY I AM ...kept by the LORD TODAY I AM ...pres...